Seated Chair Exercise offers all the benefits of standing exercise, without the risk, and is ideal for those with limited mobility of all ages and abilities.
Whilst mobility issues bring with them many challenges, it’s possible to improve mobility by using seated chair exercises to work on strengthening different muscles groups, help keep the joints flexible, improve breathing and fitness levels – all of which help towards improving range of motion and mobility.
Age related muscle loss, weakened joints and poor balance are the most common risk factors for falls, which can lead to injuries such as hip fractures or shoulder injuries, resulting in people being more likely to end up in hospital or needing social care.
There is considerable evidence that regular physical activity can reverse age-related decline in physical and mental function and help to maintain mobility, balance and co-ordination, as well as improve muscle strength, all contributing to a more independent life style.
Book a Session
Upper Body Exercise
Upper Body Exercise & Strengthening Class EVERY MONDAY at 10.30am over live Zoom Link
Information about Upper Body Exercise
Get Berkshire Active
Seated Chair Exercise on behalf of Get Berkshire Active EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10.30am over live Zoom Link
More about Get Berkshire Active
Dancercise with seated and standing options EVERY TUESDAY at 12pm over live Zoom Link
All our classes are aimed to strengthen muscles and joints, which in turn improves balance, thus reduce these risks whilst helping the participants regain confidence, both physically, mentally and socially. In addition to offering the physical benefits, it has been proven through many studies that exercise can improve self-esteem, relieve stress and reduce depression. The regular social interaction with others, that our exercise classes provide, helps improve cognitive and mental wellbeing giving participants a sense of belonging and offsetting feelings of loneliness.
The Department of Health state older adults who take part in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits including maintenance of good physical and cognitive function. They add that it is never too late to start, and benefit from, physical activity even for older adults who have previously been inactive.
At MOVEability we offer a range of friendly, fun and interactive chair-based exercise classes (currently via live video link) with classes suitable for all *regardless of age and ability, with adaptations of the basic exercises so they can be easier (for those with limited mobility) or more challenging (for those who are more able). There is also the option to use light weights and other equipment such as bands to improve strength, flexibility and coordination.
*subject to completion of medical/health assessment
Our classes run for 45 mins, starting with a warm up session, and include a light/moderate intensity exercise session (depending on level of class), strengthening exercises, stretching and relaxation.
If you would like to find out more about our seated chair exercise please get in touch today and we will be happy to discuss your requirements and arrange for a free trial session on a class suited to your level and ability.