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Ask The Expert on BBC Radio Berkshire

Earlier this month, Debbie was invited to take part in the Ask The Expert segment on Bridgitte Tetteh’s show on BBC Radio Berkshire to talk about seated chair exercise.  If you are looking for something to brighten your day, this interview is worth a listen!

Bridgitte put Debbie through her paces, asking her to talk through some seated chair exercises, which Brigitte and her team tried out in the studio.

Debbie also took Bridgitte through The MOVEability Way, talking Brigitte through a typical class and highlighting the importance of having fun, a hallmark of every MOVEability class. Debbie’s story about the lip gloss is a prime example. Our classes are so much more than exercise, with the social component a key element of every class, not only our Berkshire based onsite classes but the online seated exercise classes, too.

Listen out for Debbie’s story about the origins of MOVEability, which go back to when she was looking for ways to help her then-young son manage his Tourette’s. Equally moving is the story of how MOVEability classes helped her dad.

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy.

Also, thank you, Cynthia and Jenny, for contacting the show after the interview to tell them how great our classes are.

To quote Bridgitte:

“Hey, I’ve just had a message from Cyn Jordan and Jenny. They are listening in, saying, ‘By the way, we go along to Debbie’s class’ Anyway, they reckon it’s brilliant.”

Maybe we should get Bridgitte to come along and see for herself!

Check out our upcoming classes.